Enroll anytime 24/7 to start Today

Almost ALL our students drive 1-2 hours to attend


Students can access to their online study within a few hours of paying in full or making a down payment then attend several days later by appointment (within a six month timeline) to prepare for the state exams to get licensed. This is a state licensed and state approved course for those wanting an official Virginia Nail Technician License. 


 Course Cost includes: registration, online study access, textbook and lab fees 


  • $2,250 PIF today 
    $2,000 cash by appt


  • $750 down + 5 monthly payments $350  $725 cash
  • $1,000 down + 4 payments $350  $950 cash
  • $1,250 down + 3 payments of $350  $1,150 cash by appt 

Enroll TODAY=FIRST MONTHLY PAYMENT DUE BY 10/01/24 with each following payment due by 1st of following months. Students on payment plans must make their first payment to attend Day 1 and must pay for their course in full to be able to take exams for licensing (even if the course is completed in less than 6 months).  Those that plan to finish in less than 4 months should pay in full or make payments earlier. Students on payment plans can not take exams until the course is paid in full even if they finish their studies early.


  • $725 down + 5 monthly payments $350
  • $950 down + 4 payments $350
  • $1,175 down + 3 payments of $350
  • $2,100 pay in full

When paying with cashapp, venmo or zelle: Fill out the form before or after your payment. An email will be sent within a few hours to start your online study. Text your first/last name to get this email faster after paying. 

Click the card logo below to have family help or to use multiple cards or other forms to build up a payment to enroll:

Discover PIF by appt at the school

Students can create their online study within an hour after a payment in full or down payment. Students will have six months to finish their online study & attendance to sit for the state exams for licensure. 

Fill out my online form.

Are you graduating from these High Schools?

  • Amherst High School
  • Buckingham High School
  • Eastside High School
  • Essex High School
  • Freedom High School
  • King and Queen Central High School
  • Manor High School
  • Ridgeview High School
  • Westmoreland High School
  • If you are recieving benefits from Social Services contact your case worker to see if there are funds available in your county's Department of Social Services for trade school education. 
  • We DO NOT participate in the Military Tuition Assistance Program. Contact a beauty school in a higher military population area like in NOVA or Norfolk/Va Beach.
  • There is NO Federal financial aid like Pell Grants for Nail Education in Virginia. Contact a beauty school with a Cosmetology program for the hours required to get federal financial aid. Cosmetologists can sell nail services too. 
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State Licensed © Virginia Nail School in 12 Centre Court in Palmyra VA 22963. 434-305-9799